Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Why Build Your Own MLM Leads List Of Prospects

First off allow me to explain what is a MLM leads list for those who are just learning about MLM leads list. Let's say that you want to promote a health and wellness product. You would then learn different ways that you can generate traffic so you can build a MLM leads list of people who have an interest in health and wellness products. All it is a list of potential customers who will use your product or service.

One day I realized that if my primary network marketing company that I'm building decided to close down tomorrow I would lose my whole downline of customers and many business builders in the process. We are talking about many, many of customers. Also a large income.

Then it got me thinking that all though I run a network marketing business from home I really do not have any control of my customers and business builders with the company I promote which means that I could loose my business over night.

Then it was brought to my attention that if you do not have your own MLM leads list of prospects that I was missing the boat. Now this made a lot of sense to me. If your building a primary MLM company, the customers are really there's and not yours, all though you helped in building your own downline in the process.

Now I don't mean that you should stop building your MLM business. NO WAY! I'm saying that just start building your own MLM leads list of customers that you have total control over weather your company closes down or not. When you have your own MLM leads list of thousands of contacts you can always market other products to them and still have total control over your business because you have total control over your own MLM leads list which is your customer base. I hope you see how powerful this really is.

By building your own MLM leads list of contact that trust and respect you, then you can always market to them helpful information on how to build a successful MLM business or any other helpful information, products or services. You will always have a targeted MLM leads list of people that you can sell to over and over again. having your own MLM leads list i critical in building any type of business. Especially a network marketing business. Your MLM lead list is were all your profit will come from. No matter what you decide to market to your list.