Monday, August 27, 2007

Old School Network Marketing To New School Network Marketing

What is old school network marketing, you might be wondering. Well this term old school network marketing is referring to the way people would do business and build their network marketing business in the earlier years of when this industry really began.

Most of these methods are exactly what turns people off and has given the industry a bad name. Now some people will argue with me on this and some will agree. It really does not matter to me if you agree or disagree with me on this. I am simply telling you how it is.

The old school method of building a network marketing business turns people off and give the industry a bad name, in my opinion because this method teaches people to target and approach people who are not qualified or targeted in respects for starting a home based business. This is a method that teaches you to convince people that they should have a network marketing business, instead of talking to people who are already looking for a business.

The old school method of building your network marketing business involves writing a list of friends and family members and possibly inviting them over for dinner and just as dinner is about to begin you take out a whiteboard and start drawing circles. You are doing what is referred to as showing the plan. You try to convince them they should be involved. People eventually got so turned off of this type of prospecting that when they hear the word MLM, they come back and ask you if this is one of those things?

Now with the new school way of building your network marketing business, you are encouraged to prospect and talk to people who have expressed an interest in owning or starting a home based business opportunity. This way just makes much more sense when it comes to business. You are not chasing people down who do not want to talk to you about network marketing, and you no longer have convince people that they should be interested in network marketing.

New school network marketing teaches you how to target the right people who would be right for your business as well. You no longer have to sit down and write out a list of your friends and family to go and convince. There are now companies out there that will actually target market for you and generate interested prospects for your network marketing business, or you can even place ads yourself and generate these targeted prospects on your own.

Then for presenting your network marketing business, you no longer have to pull out the whiteboard and draw a bunch of circles or use flip charts. You now can embrace tools such as telephone conference lines and the power of the Internet to use flash presentations so that you no longer have to give the presentations yourself.

Overall, the new school way of building your network marketing business just makes so much sense. If you really want to expand and take your network marketing business to the next level, I then suggest you embrace the new school network marketing strategies.