Monday, August 20, 2007

On the Edge Network Marketing!

You're sick and tired of being sick and tired! Bills, loans, cards, friends, family. How about shut offs, tire goes flat, not enough for food, clothes, kids.

Anyone been there? Although it's not a part of our story below, going from a full time Teamster in the SF Bay Area to full time residual at Lake Tahoe, there were plenty leaps of Faith that created internal growth, God is the potter, we are the clay, Isaiah 64:8. But then, suddenly, something changes within you. You've had enough. You are ready to call people on their stuff. You gain total conviction about yourself, your program, your confidence, your leadership!

You've heard it before and it almost sounds cliche, but there it is, "You must have conviction..." Well, until you really, really take a moment and look at all the things you won't stand for anymore and tell it goodbye once and for all... conviction, real 100% total "I must rip this thing!" conviction... it will probably elude you. Welcome to the edge. Time to decide, "To cut off from..."

People buy what they hear in you, your true body language and posture. It's ALL talk until you decide that you are 100% committed to success. Until you reach the point where you absolutely must succeed. Zero doubt, zero failure, one option, to win. Then, then you will be someone who can go all the way because your able to sort and not be attached to the outcome at all. This is where the real "next!" term truly comes into play.

In the story where Cortez ordered his own ships destroyed for total commitment, it is not that you burn bridges, it is only for that sense of complete commitment as instruction. The posture, the absolute face that must win and will win offers no retreat mentally. The Aztecs saw faces of men who had zero doubt. It's not about the story, but the lesson in total passion. You're not in the ring to survive, you're in to win. It's not the victory, the outcome, it's the journey... you play, you play all out... expect to win, but never be attached to the outcome.

Now... you're ready to get on the phone and ask questions of leads from anywhere. They will sense your leadership, your courage, and total conviction. People all want leadership, direction. Your focus must be like a rock. This is where people say, "It's never crowded at the top." When you decide that you've had enough, dump it, focus only on the positive results, great connections you're making, you will be in the small percentage who go toward their goals with zero doubt, and people desire to be swept into that vortex of passion because they don't want to miss it!!