Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Internet Based Network Marketing - The Solution To End Your Cold-Calling Nightmare

Network marketing is one of the most lucrative business around. You can start this business with extremely low capital but with the ability to earn passive income in the long run. This means that you do the work once and you get paid every month even if you stop selling or sponsoring.

If this business has so much potential, why do so many people quit before they even get to earn some good money? They get so excited about the thought of having financial freedom and live the life they want when they first get started in network marketing. However, within a few months, majority will quit. Some will even say network marketing is a total scam.

The reason is very simple. Doing traditional network marketing is very tough. I used to experience that before. At some point in time, you will feel that you have hitted a wall. That's because you find that you have no more leads or prospects to talk to and you have to do cold-calling. Don't you just dread that?

Cold-calling is the number one reason why people quit their network marketing business eventually. Most people can't stand rejections. Neither can I. After talking to 100 people and none of them are interested in your products or opportunity, how will you feel? Terrible, isn't it? You will lose the motivation and negative thoughts will fill your mind. You will think that network marketing can't work for you and eventually you will quit.

So how do you solve this problem and grow your network marketing business by leaps and bounds?

The secret is to use the Internet to do your network marketing business.

That's right. An Internet based network marketing is the solution to end your cold-calling sufferings. With Internet based network marketing, you don't even have to do "warm" calling either. The days where you need to pester your friends or relatives to join your business are over.

So how does Internet based network marketing actually works? As I mentioned earlier, you leverage on the power of the Internet to do the selling and sponsoring for you.

Most Internet based network marketing companies have great online tools to help you grow your business easily. Such tools may consist of your personalized websites and opt-in page. Any prospect who are interested in doing a network marketing or home based business will give their contact information, such as their name and email, to you through your opt-in page. Either you or your company will do a series of email follow-ups to your leads.

In this process, you don't even have to cold-call anybody yet have the chance to show them your business opportunity and get in contact with them! The power of Internet has changed the network marketing industry entirely. Internet based network marketing is the new trend and is the perfect platform for those who hate cold-calling and to grow their business tremendously.