Friday, August 10, 2007

Network Marketing Strategy - How To Put Your MLM Recruitment On Steroids

What is your network marketing strategy? Do you even have one? If not, don't feel like you are unique.

Despite all the good intentions of MLM uplines, the simple truth is, not everyone joining a network marketing business is going to be receptive to the system.

Is this a good thing? Who knows but with building an MLM business built on the principles of following a system I guess perhaps it's not in the best interests of those involved if everyone else is following the same network marketing strategy.

On the other hand, someone new coming into a business with fresh ideas shows a certain amount of initiative and that's what you like to see in a new distributor. There is no network marketing strategy that is a magic formula to growing your business. But there is something pretty close to it.

Targeted Prospects

The bottom line is...find a group of prospects who are firstly interested in your business model and secondly, getting them to take a look at it. You're probably cringing at this minute and thinking "Duh! Isn't that what everone does?"

Sure, but how many distributors are actually successful at achieving just one of these principles let alone both. If you get these two things spot on consistently, you cannot help your recruitment efforts and build your downline with this network marketing strategy.

Granted, there is still plenty of work to do down the track with people but that's for another article. For the time being, you need to find prospects interested in your business and then getting them to look at what you have to offer. The simplicity is mind boggling but when these two factors are married into one exciting things will happen.

Duplicating Your Efforts

Once you have these two recruiting strategies down to a fine art and you teach your team to follow your system to a tee and effectively then the magic begins to happen. It's a network marketing strategy which has stood the test of time and will continue to do so.