Friday, September 26, 2008

Network Marketing Phone Sponsoring Secrets For Ultimate Success

This article will help you to succeed, with network marketing phone sponsoring techniques that most network marketers are totally blind to.

So you are on the telephone with your prospect. Either she has called you or vice versa. My first tip is that you should always be the one making the call. Never be caught on the hop by answering an unexpected call from a prospect.

Personally, I prefer to screen ALL of my telephone calls.

The reason for this is that, at this stage YOU need to hold all of the power in the relationship. If you answer the phone to a prospect then, immediately, they will take charge of the conversation with some sort of question about your business.

Do not, under any circumstances, answer that question. If you do then you are dead in the water.

Answer one question and a barrage of similar questions will follow. This will basically be a list of your prospects objections to actually joining your business. You will immediately be on the defensive about yourself, your business, and your opportunity.

You will have given away all of your power and you will appear pathetic and needy to your prospect.

You need to have total control of the phone call and the conversation.

The reason you are calling is to qualify the prospect for your business. Not, to sell your business opportunity to the prospect.

That is the essential message of this article. So re-read that last sentence until the message sinks in for you.

You have all of the power in the relationship at this stage. Treat it like a job interview. If your prospect were applying for a job against 100 other candidates, they wouldn't have much real power would they? That's the mentality you need to project.

Conduct a typical job interview over the phone. Find out everything you can about them. Past history, work history, business experience, network marketing experience. Find out what their goals, dreams, and passions are.

When you have conducted the interview you can close by saying: "Well (Susan), you sound like you would be perfect for this business. I can see you going a long way, and making a lot of money in this industry. Shall we sign the paperwork and get you started today?"

So now you know. Start applying this technique to your network marketing phone sponsoring and watch your conversion rate soar.