Friday, November 16, 2007

Beware of The Itis

Strange subject line don't you think?

If you do not know what the Itis is and how it can be devastating to your network marketing career then listen closely.

Let me start with a little background . . .

A few days back I was watching a TV show with my family. They were watching a show called Boondocks.

The show itself is an outgrowth of a comic strip. It's actually an adult oriented cartoon based around an African American family which highlights and pokes fun at the racial tensions here in America. Well, this particular episode was about how one of the main characters was given the opportunity to open his own soul food restaurant, called "The Itis", and what happened there after.

If you don't know what the "Itis" is, it is actually pretty funny, in fact I am laughing about the whole concept right now as I write this, it is that tired feeling you get after you eat a huge and unhealthy meal. If you've ever eaten lunch and wanted to take a nap 15 minutes after you finished eating you've fallen victim to the Itis. It stops you in your tracks and puts you to sleep. Well, in this show, that is exactly what food from this soul food restaurant did to anyone who ate it.

It stopped them in their tracks and put them straight to sleep. People were falling asleep at the table and I think one woman went into a comma. It was pretty funny to see this concept taken to that extreme, and naturally the show conluded with the restaurant being closed.

Well what does all this have to do with network marketing and your business?

Simple . . .

I see people fall victim to the Itis everyday in their network marketing efforts. Not the type of Itis I've described above, but a much more sinister and personally elusive form.

Here is how it happens . . .

They will join a new business and after 15 minutes of really hard work promoting it by sending out a few emails and not getting any response they will start to say "It is not working". Then they will buy information product after information product looking for the golden key to success and after skimming through the information and putting in a good two hour solid effort to see if IT works they say "It is not

working. Then they go off and buy an new golden ticket to freedom and income. They find a new business or they find a new info product that promises them the world and they always meet with the same results. They put their brain to sleep after gorging on a meal of

easy promises of riches and enter into a comma like state of waiting for success to find them for an undetermined amount of time. When they wake up and see that making money online or in their network marketing efforts actually takes effort they aren't having it.

They look for another meal filled with easy promises of riches to put them back into their comma like state where they can relax as they dream of the success that is just going to happen around them. When they find it they gorge. They never really think to look at themselves as they grow fat and lethargic from all this consuming. They never realize that the reason that they are not getting anywhere is because they aren't really moving, except to the next so called easiest meal.