Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Network Marketing - Using Effective Time Judgment - Are You Sabotaging Your Bank Account?

Network marketing can be a superb way to supplement your current income or even replace your J.O.B. However, proper time management is critical to your success!

The idea of working at home can sound just great! Work in your jammies, show up when you want to and take advantage of your new found freedom. You can multi-task while grabbing that cup of morning Joe by throwing in a load of laundry or letting the dog out, however, are you spending too much time sorting through that old desk drawer or stack of old magazines?

Defining your duties, creating a timeline and establishing your home office hours can be a bit daunting when you first begin working from the comforts of your own home. Several common distractions can get in your way and deter your time for productivity. Don’t let this happen! Define a schedule allowing for such activities and you’ll keep on task.

Do you have a dear friend or confident you like to talk with every day on the phone? Your best friend can turn into your worst enemy when considering you’re not putting money in the bank while you’re chatting it up with them during your business hours. Use good phone sense and talk “after hours” to your dear ones.

Assess what this is really costing you. If you could take that 30 minutes every day and turn that time into “prospecting for clients” time on the phone or the net, just what would that mean?

The biggest culprit I’ve found that will sabotage your precious time is your computer. This, most valuable, absolutely necessary business tool could be what’s keeping you from adding to your own bank account. Have you ever jumped on the net to check your email and found yourself lost for hours searching for something quasi-business related? Suddenly, you’re out there for hours looking up everything you never needed to know or understand about that particular “something.”

What most people are lacking is a simple system. Position yourself correctly, set something in place and stick to it. Allow yourself a fixed amount of time on the internet at several different intervals of time during your work day. This will help keep you on track and away from the temptations of getting lost in the vast sea of information just waiting to be discovered.

Effective use of your time in your home office will ensure you handle the tasks necessary to move your business in the right direction.