Friday, January 25, 2008

Your Network is Your Net Worth - Learn How To Increase Your Bank Balance Today!

Your friends and colleagues can significantly impact how successful you are, and ultimately how healthy your bank balance is!

Someone once said to me "your network is your net worth" and they were absolutely right. Are you hanging onto old 'friendships' that don't serve and support you, or are you getting out of your comfort zone to meet new people and increase your net worth?

Friend or Foe?

To truly excel in life it's important to surround yourself with excellent people, and sometimes that means pushing the boundaries and looking for new individuals to join your personal and professional networks. Ask yourself:-

* Do your friends challenge you intellectually?

* Can you learn from the people you spend time with?

* Do you socialise with positive and upbeat people?

* Do you spend time with people who are as smart, if not smarter, than you?

If you answered 'No' to a number of those questions then it's time to start increasing your network.

Who are you hanging out with?

Who we become is a reflection of the people we hang out with. Here are some ideas on how to increase your network and become the person you truly want to be:-

* Join your company's social club, and if they don't have one - start one!

* Take up a new sport and join your local team - it's good for your body & your wallet

* Have a BBQ and get everyone to bring along someone new to your social circle

* Volunteer for charity work

* Join a networking group - see below for some excellent networking groups in Australia

Networking groups in Australia


BNI (Business Network International) is a business referral organisation whose primary purpose is to assist it's members to find and exchange qualified business referrals for each other and develop word-of-mouth marketing techniques. Great if you have a business and want to increase your revenue and referrals!

Network Central

A first class business networking group. For people who have lives ....

Australian Businesswoman's Network

A fantastic resource and networking group for women in business.

Business Chicks

A professional yet funky group that brings together hundreds of women who want to expand their network, both personally and professionally.

The Last Thursday Club

A monthly networking event for creative business people - entrepreneurs, innovators, business leaders, idea-makers and thought-leaders. A great opportunity to meet new people who think outside the square!